The Bombardier 415 (Canadair CL-415 SuperScooper) is aN amphibious aircraft purpose-built as a water bomber. It is an aircraft designed and built specifically for aerial firefighting. It is marketed in the United States as the "Superscooper."
The aircraft requires 1,340 metres (4,400 ft) of flyable area to descend
from 15 metres (49 ft) altitude, scoop 6,137 litres of water during a
12-second 410 metres (1,350 ft) long run on the water, then climb back
to 15 m altitude. According to the Bombardier website, the 415 takes "12
seconds, travelling at 130 km/h (70 knots) and 410 metres (1,350 ft),
to scoop up a 6,137-litre (1,621-US-gallon) water load... The advanced
Bombardier 415 aircraft scoops water from sites that are only two metres
(6.5 ft) deep and 90 metres (300 ft) wide. When the water site is too
small for a full pick-up, the Bombardier 415 takes a partial load and
returns to the fire. The Bombardier 415 amphibian doesn’t need a
straight scooping path. Since the aircraft is still in 'flying' mode
while scooping, pilots can easily manoeuvre around river bends or
visible obstacles in the water."